
April 7, 2008 at 3:11 pm | Posted in Uncategorized | 9 Comments

I have officially tried real life sushi. Raw fish went in my mouth and I chewed and swallowed it and I didn’t even gag. Well, I take that back. One single bite got to me a tad bit, but the rest was a little piece of heaven. We had something with salmon and a red sauce and rice and the salmon was a tad bit too much for my mouth. I didn’t spit it out, though. I chewed it up and finished that sushi like a pro. I had soup with tofu in it. It was so good, too. And I forgot what else I had but Mary said there were 3 different kinds of fish in there.

I’ve bragged about the greatness of many things lately, but this one might top them all. I love Chicken in a Biskit with Easy Cheese more than I love refried beans. But this whatever it was compared and maybe surpassed the feeling that I get from a Chicken in a Biskit with a side of beans. That says a lot. I’m sad that I’ve been so closed minded with food and that I’ve missed out on so many visits to the sushi restaurant and that I’ve denied my taste buds of sushi for so long. It’s like I’m going from the eating habits of a 6 year old to a grown up. It’s pretty great, actually. Next I might try coffee. Mary had some the other morning that didn’t smell all gross and coffee like as I’m used to it smelling. I don’t know. Coffee is kind of a HUGE step for me, but then again so was sushi. It’s so funny because I used to drink my Pee Paws coffee every chance I got. He would let it sit and get cold and I would suck it down and loved it. But now the thought of coffee makes me want to gag…I dunno. It’s worth a shot but then again I’m that moron who would probably burn the skin off of my tongue every day. That would not make me happy if my tongue hurt all the time, so maybe coffee is a bad idea for me.


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  1. U’re funny. I started drinking coffee bout 6 months ago & I love it! I only do a small cup a day though. Try McDonald’s coffee.

  2. I can’t think about eating raw fish. I don’t know why because I love cooked fish. Does it taste raw? Anyway, on the coffee issue…I make mine really weak and then flavor it with creamer and equal. Plus I put an ice cube in it so that it won’t burn my tongue. It is the perfect sipping temperature. Love your show!

  3. I can’t bring myself to eat raw fish sushi, but i have discovered something that I love… crispy shrimp sushi. The shrimp is fried and then put in the middle of the seaweed and rice with this yummy sauce on top!
    That’s my kind of sushi… probably not actually sushi, but it’s still on the sushi menu… awesome.

  4. I love sushi! I am so glad you got to try it. Take care and be well!

  5. I tried sushi this weekend for the first time as well. lets just say im not a fan! im surprised you liked the soup maybe yours was made better because mine was HORRIBLE!!

  6. You make me smile, Shannon!

  7. Yeah, That first bite of sushi is the worst. Once you get past it, it’s pretty good. Try hazelnut creamer or some flavor with your coffee. You’ll be addicted. : )

  8. I LOVE SUSHI!!!! I cant get enough!!!

  9. I am also not really open to new foods, I dont think i could bring myself to do Sushi :-/ But, I definitely know what you mean about the coffee. I used to drink it at my grandmas all the time when I was little, and loved it, but can’t bring myself to drink it anymore. LoL. Have a good day Shanon! 😀

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